Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Hi everyone! Greetings from SPADA Programme of UMS!
As we all know that, addiction to drugs and alcohol affects millions of people nationwide. Drug abused and alcohol misused are now regarded as a major public health issues. These issues need to be addressed by personnel with specialised knowledge in drug abused and alcohol misused who can provide a professional treatments. The professional treatment means obtaining a diagnosis and care from psychiatrists, counsellors, and clinical psychologists trained and experienced in addiction intervention using the evidence-based therapies that have a proven track record of being effective in treating substance use disorders. Therefore, in conjunction with Malaysia government in its effort to combat with the seriousness issues of drug abused, the Universiti Malaysia Sabah has taken the initiative to offer our Specialty Programme in Alcohol and Drug Abused (SPADA) in two programmes, Postgraduate Diploma and also Master Programme. These two special programmes are in response to the lack of trained professionals to address the substance abuse crises occurring in Malaysia. With its own unique objective, the SPADA programme aims to produce experts in the areas of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and aftercare, as well as management of related services. Furthermore, the programme is designed to cater the need for well-trained professionals in counselling and psychology with the necessary knowledge and skills in the following aspects. First, to handle administration of substance abuse treatment programme. Second, to provide psychoeducation in the aspect of therapy that offers information, awareness and support for people in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Third, to conduct and deliver the preventive interventions of early uses of drugs and alcohol which can provide skills and support to high-risk youth to enhance levels of protective factors and prevent escalation to drugs and alcohol abuse. Finally, to provide an appropriate treatment of substance abuse according to the needs of affected patients or individuals based on severity and type of addiction. In addition, the programme also opens to those individuals who are interested in enhancing their helping profession related to substance abuse.
Programme Coordinator
Speciality Programme of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (SPADA)
Faculty of Psychology & Education
Universiti Malaysia Sabah